Athletics Victoria is focused on keeping our community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our key focus is always the safety, health, and well-being of our members, staff, and the wider community.
In light of the updates provided by the Victorian Government on Wednesday, June 2, please see the restrictions detailed for both Metropolitan and Regional Victoria.
This means that in Regional Victoria the following applies:
- – Outdoor physical recreation & sport (Regional Victoria only)
- – A maximum patron cap of 50 people per venue. Group sizes to a maximum of 10 people. Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- – Community sports competition is permitted for children and capped at 50 and no more than groups of 10. However, community sport for adults is only permitted for training purposes and capped at 50 and no more than groups of 10.
- – Metro residents (Junior and Adults) are not permitted to enter regional venues to train or compete.
- – Organisers must provide a COVIDsafe Plan in advance of training and competition to Athletics Victoria These plans must include track and trace processes and mandatory COVIDsafe practices outlined by the Victorian Government. Organisers must also seek approval first from the local council if the venue/facility is council-owned/managed.
If you are feeling unwell, please get tested and stay at home.
Many thanks,
The AV Team.
For more information on the restrictions which come into force Thursday 3rd June 2021 – CLICK HERE.