
Lakeside Training

Victoria’s premier athletics venue: Lakeside Stadium (LS), Albert Park is open for public training on the following days and times;

February 2021

Tuesday4 – 7pm
Thursday4 – 7pm
Saturday*9 – 12noon

* Saturday sessions will only be available when LS have no pre-existing bookings in place. PLEASE continue to check the MSAC > LS website regularly and plan appropriately.

Fee per session:

$5 per single session (session passes available via the MSAC booking portal)
>> NASS Athletes and AV registered coaches will gain free admission. Please show proof of NASS scholarship or coaching card/ registration <<

Process for entry into LS (per session)

  1. Purchase your Lakeside pass via the MSAC booking portal;
  2. Arrive at Lakeside at the designated session time.
  3. Using a smart device or a print out, produce your booking confirmation for the Lakeside gate attendant to confirm your session.
  4. Upon confirmation of your booking, scan the Lakeside QR code (available at the venue)
  5. Ensure you understand and practice the AV COVID Safe Plan;
  6. Ensure you arrive dressed for training, having all necessary personal equipment ready to train.
  7. In addition to the above, ensure you have personal hand sanitizer and appropriate cleaning/disinfectant wipes in your bag in case you need to clean your equipment during training.

    >> Get In – Train – Leave quickly <<