- This event has passed.
AV Throwers Meet 7
March 12, 2021 @ 10:20 am

Date: Sunday 7th March 2021
Location: Ringwood
AVT is a specialist throwing competition, enabling athletes to challenge themselves whilst being supported by their peers who are the best in the field.
Meet 7 Events: Hammer, Javelin (Top 10 in each event)*
Welcome back for another round of AV Throwers!
Please ensure you read the below information prior to event day.
Venue Access
- To enter the venue, all athletes, coaches, spectators, etc. must check in using either the CS Sports app, website or the QR code (AC Robertson Field (Ringwood)) Venue ID VICA02).
Venue Capacity & COVID Compliance
- It is still a requirement for Victorians to carry with them a mask. Masks must be worn when social distancing cannot be maintained.
- All athletes must hand sanitise before and after each event they contest. Hand sanitiser will be available at each event site.
- Please ensure you continue to social distance.
Weigh In
For those athletes wishing to use their own implements, please note that weigh in will be available at 1:45pm only
Please note that if a record/qualifier is attained using your own implement, it will need to be surrendered to a representative of AV to be taken for certification.
- Athletes do not need to sign in for each event, instead they must report to their event site no later than five minutes prior to their scheduled start time.
- Athletes must wear their Athletics Victoria affiliated club uniform and 2020/21 season bibs when competing at all AVT meets.
- 2:00pm – Javelin
- 3:00pm – Hammer
Spectating and Departing the Venue
- Spectators will be allowed to enter the venue but are not permitted onto the track or infield competition areas.
Please ensure that you follow the advice of DHHS regarding possible COVID contact sites.
If you feel or have felt unwell, please stay at home.
If you have any queries, please contact sportdelivery@athsvic.org.au
Good luck!
*Please note that this event and its offerings are subject to change in alignment with advice from the Victorian Government
Important Information: