- This event has passed.
2018 Victorian Country Track & Field Championships
January 26, 2018 @ 1:00 pm - January 28, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
General Information
Award Winners
Team Scores
Athletes must report to the ATHLETE TIC AREA no later than 1 HOUR PRIOR to the start time of the first round of each event they have entered and sign in. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
If you believe you will be running late for your Check-In time, please call Athletics Victoria on the following number 0447 202 160.
The 2018 Victorian Country Track & Field Championships make their way to Ballarat over the Australia Day weekend. There are events offered in all age groups from U12 up to 60+ as well as club and individual awards presented across the three-day competition.
The Australia Day weekend is a celebration of athletics and one where both Metro and Country athletes can compete and enjoy in the festivities that the Victorian country regions have to offer. So, make sure you plan in advance as accommodation is at a premium around the country championship weekend and make sure your entry is on time before the closing date.
For these Championships, both Metro and interstate athletes are welcome to enter and compete but will do so as invitational athletes.
For events with two or more rounds, invitation athletes can only make up 50% of the final field, therefore a maximum of four invitation athletes would progress through to the 100m final. This also applies to the additional three attempts in relevant field games; only four invitation athletes can progress through to the additional throws/jumps round. If there is not enough country registered athletes to fill 50% of the final, additional invitation athletes will be progressed.
Date: Friday 26th – Sunday 28th January, 2018
Location: Llanberris Reserve – York St, Ballarat
Entries Close: 12:00pm (Midday) Tuesday 16th January, 2018 – No late or on the day entries will be accepted.
If you have issues entering the event please contact Athletics Victoria PRIOR to the closing date at summer@athsvic.org.au or the Competitions Department on 8646 4512/8646 4526 and leave a message explaining the issues you are experiencing. Athletics Victoria will not accept any late entries and emails received after the closing date will not be accepted.
NOTE: Please be aware that following the closure of entries, AV will publish a provisional timetable with allocated provisional times.
Please Note: Athletes must be a member of Athletics Victoria or their state/national association in order to compete at State Championship events. Any athletes that enter and do not meet this criteria will be asked to become a member of their state association otherwise they may not be able to compete.
Entry fees will only be refunded if a cancellation is received in writing to competitions@athsvic.org.au prior to entries closing. Any refunds after this time will be processed only if the written notification is accompanied with a medical certificate before the first day of competition.
Upcoming Events
Please see below dates for our upcoming events
AV Junior and Para Track & Field Championships – Lakeside Stadium
Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th of February 2018
AV Open and Para Track & Field Championships – Lakeside Stadium
Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th of March 2018
Any enquiries regarding the 2018 Victorian Country Championships should be forwarded to competitions@athsvic.org.au
More information to come shortly. Stay tuned to the AV website.
Please Note: AV Metro and Interstate registered athletes will be classed as Invitational athletes
Athletes must report to the ATHLETE TIC AREA no later than 1 HOUR PRIOR to the start time of the first round of each event they have entered and sign in. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
If you believe you will be running late for your Check-In time, please call Athletics Victoria on the following number 0474 479 413.
Calls will not be accepted after your check-in time has closed.
- Competition: All events shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the IAAF and Athletics Victoria.
- Age determination: Age group calculation is taken from the 31 December 2018. Overage athletes (40+, 50+, 60+) age group calculation will be taken from the first day of competition 26 January 2018.
Age Group | Year of Birth |
Under 14 | 2005, 2006, 2007 |
Under 16 | 2004, 2003 |
Under 18 | 2002, 2001 |
Under 20 | 2000, 1999 |
- Under 12 Events: A small number of U12 events will be offered at the 2018 Victorian Country Athletics Championships. To be eligible to compete in these events athletes must be 9 years of age as at 31/12/2018 (born in 2007, 2008 and 2009).
- Similar Events: A competitor may not officially enter the same or similar event in more than one age underage/overage division. Athletes may enter the open division and their overage or underage division.
- Mixed Competition: Both male and female athletes must compete in their own gender events including relays for these championships. No athlete will be permitted to compete in another gender event at any Athletics Victoria Championship events (IAAF rule 145).
- Distance Event: Athletes in the 10,000m must be 16 years of age or older on the day of competition.
- Entry Numbers: Only one (1) entry is required for an event to be included on the program. However to provide competition, events may be combined with a similar event if available.
- Simultaneous Events: When an athlete has entered both and open and age group event which are conducted simultaneously as one event, the athlete will be entitled to one (1) set of performances only, provided that the specifications for the age group event are the same as the open event. These performances will be used to determine the placing’s in both events.
- Extra Attempts: U12, U14 & U16 will get 3 attempts with the top 8 getting an additional 1 attempt. For Open, U20, U18 & masters age groups will get 3 attempts with the top 8 getting an additional 3.
- Clash of Events: If an athlete has a “clash of events”, they will need to report to the competition area of their second event and report to the official that they will be late marshalling to that event due to a clash with another event
- Check-In: Athletes must report to the ATHLETE TIC AREA no later than 1 HOUR PRIOR to the start time of the first round of each event they have entered and sign in. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. In the case of insufficient athletes reporting to the athlete TIC area by the required time for the need to conduct heats or semi finals, then all athletes who reported will progress to the final which will be held at the scheduled FINAL TIME.
- Scratching’s: Any athlete who competes in a round of an event in the championships and qualifies for a subsequent round then withdraws from that event, without a medical certificate, WILL NOT be permitted to compete in any other event during the championships, including relays.
- Call Room: There will be NO call room in operation at the Victorian Country Athletics Championships. Therefore all athletes must marshal directly to the competition area by the time indicated below. Please ensure you bring all required clothing and footwear as athletes will not be permitted to leave once they have marshalled.
The closing times for marshalling are:
Pole Vault: 45 mins
Hammer: 30 mins
Long Jump, Triple Jump: 25 mins
Discus, Shot Put, Javelin, High Jump: 20 mins
Hurdles, Steeplechase: 20 mins
All other track events: 15 mins
- Uniforms: Athletes must be attired in their official registered uniform of their first claim Athletics Victoria club uniform with their current Athletics Victoria registration numbers firmly affixed so the entire number and sponsorship information can be easily read. (refer IAAF rule 18). The victory ceremony is considered part of the competition. Athletes competing by invitation must compete in their club, state or national uniform.
- Footwear: Track spikes must be of IAAF approved shape (conical is preferred) and be no greater than 7mm in length for track events. Spikes for javelin and high jump events must be conical in shape and a maximum of 9mm.
- Private Implements: Only implements provided and previously tested by the technical officer may be used. Athletes wishing to use private implements must lodge them with the technical officer on duty AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR to the scheduled starting time of the event. The implement will be retained until the completion of that event and will be available for all athletes in that event to use.
- Starting Blocks: The use of starting blocks is compulsory for all open and underage athletes competing in events up to and including 400m. Overage athletes will be permitted a crouch or standing start for all events.
- Leg Numbers: Athletes in events 800m or longer will be required to wear a leg number to assist the photo finish operator in identifying athletes. Leg numbers will be distributed at the start line during the marshalling period.
- Finals numbers: Timed finals will be run for all track events.
These numbers remain subject to changes made by the administration delegate.
Please note: AV Metro and Interstate registered athletes will be classed as Invitational athletes. For events with two or more rounds, invitation athletes can only make up 50% of the final field, therefore a maximum of four invitation athletes can progress through to the 100m final. This also applies to the additional three attempts in relevant field games; only four invitation athletes can progress through to the additional throws/jumps round. If there is not enough country registered athletes to fill 50% of the final, additional invitation athletes will be progressed
20. Relays: Entries for relays MUST be completed online by clubs, this can be done via the club portal the same way clubs entered the Victorian Track Relay Championships. Entry price for relays are $20 per team. To enter please follow the steps below:
- Club Registrar logs into their portal.
- Click on ‘Events’ in top right hand corner.
- Select ‘Register As’ and click on ‘Club’
- Enter in number of teams for each relay event and select age division from drop down menu.
- Click on ‘Register’ – Item will be added to shopping cart (located top left of screen).
- Clubs can checkout and pay for teams from the Shopping Cart. Please Note: No athlete names are required to be selected until team sheets are submitted at event.
Please note: Team Managers will be able to make changes to relays selected if needed. This MUST to be done before 5pm Friday 27 January
Relay Check-in: This must be done 60 minutes prior to the scheduled event start time. During the check-in process they will be required to submit team sheets outlining the athletes in each team with their correct bib numbers and in correct running order. Team sheets can be collected from the administration area
Substitutions can be made by using the correct substitution form and submitting it to the administration area NO LATER THAN 30 MINUTES PRIOR to the event scheduled starting time. The four competing members of a disqualified team will be ineligible to compete further in that event, regardless if they are an emergency of another team.
In the case of insufficient teams reporting to the Athlete TIC Area by the required time for the need to conduct heats or semi finals, then all teams who reported will progress to the final which will be held at the scheduled FINAL TIME.
21. Protests:
- Any enquires regarding entries; check-in or reporting at the championships on the days of competition shall be made to the administration delegate or competition manager.
- Any protest regarding the competition, shall in the first instance, be made orally to the referee by the athlete or by a person acting on his/her behalf, within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the result.
The referee may decide on the protest or may refer the matter to the jury of appeal. If the referee makes a decision, the athlete may appeal to the jury within 30 minutes.
Appeals must be in writing, signed by the athlete (or a responsible adult on behalf of the athlete) and submitted to the administration manager located in the administration area. The protest must be accompanied by a deposit of $50.00 which may be forfeited should the protest be considered frivolous (IAAF rule 146). Protest/appeal forms are available at administration area.
22. Medals: Will be made as soon as possible after the event. All placegetters are asked to assist with this procedure by going with an official at the completion of the event to the ceremonial area. Each athlete must wear either their competition singlet or tracksuit top for the victory ceremony. Medallions will be presented to competitors placed first, second and third. Victorian Country Championship medallions shall be reserved for the best three (3) placed Victorian Country Athletes. Invitational medals will be given to any metro athletes who compete and place in the top 3 before country athletes. Medals can be engraved on the spot at a cost of $5 per medallion.
23. Records: All athletes wishing to break a record, please report this to the administration area 2 Hours prior to the event.