
Eureka Athletic Club

The Eureka Athletic Club caters for families and individuals by promoting participation and enjoyment of athletics. The club actively supports and encourages athletes of all levels and ages to achieve their individual goals. We also welcome the interest of parents and friends to get involved with social events.


Club President: Bill Stewart
Email: billstewart48@bigpond.com

Club Secretary: Roderick Griffin
Phone: 0400 650 807
Email: eurekaathsclub@gmail.com

Website: www.revolutionise.com.au/eureka/

Club Location

Llanberris Reserve
York St
Ballarat VIC 3350

Coaching Disciplines

Vertical Jumps, Horizontal Jumps, Throws, Walks, Sprints, Middle Distance/Distance, Cross Country/Road Racing

Wendouree Athletic Club

Established in 1949, the Wendouree Athletic Club is a supportive and social club for all members. With access to comprehensive coaching expertise and an innovative program for the development of athletes, Wendouree Athletic Club provides opportunity for athletic excellence across all disciplines.


Club President: Brendan Hawkes
Email: wendoureeathletics@hotmail.com

Club Secretary: Michelle Hawkes
Email: wendoureeathletics@hotmail.com
Phone: 0409 016 120

Website: http://www.wendoureeathletics.com

Club Location

Llanberris Reserve York St
Golden Point VIC 3350

Coaching Disciplines

Vertical Jumps, Horizontal Jumps, Throws, Hurdles, Walks, Sprints, Middle Distance/Distance, Cross Country/Road Racing

Ballarat Harriers Athletic Club

The Ballarat Harriers Athletics Club was first established in June of 1891. At the Ballarat Harriers Athletic Club, we pride ourselves on fun, fitness, families and friends where everyone is most welcome to jog, run or race regardless of ability or age. We have a positive and energetic team that facilitates the club who are open and welcoming to new members with a passion for sport. Our Cross Country season has a race every weekend that is either sealed handicap event or handicaped event, giving everyone an even chance of winning and enjoying success. Our race courses could only be described as traditional cross country courses covering all distances and surfaces. On our competition days we normally offer athletes the opportunity to compete in a long or a short distance course.Ballarat Harriers Athletic Club also caters for Professional Athletics and all disciplines of Track and Field athletics. We have had great success in recent years in our under 20’s and veteran’s age groups.


Club President: Cathryn Harris
Email: ballaratharrierspresident@gmail.com

Club Secretary: Claire Johnson
Email: ballaratharrierssecretary@gmail.com

Website: revolutionise.com.au/ballaratharriers

Club Location

20 Young St

Coaching Disciplines

Vertical Jumps, Horizontal Jumps, Throws, Hurdles, Walks, Sprints, Middle Distance/Distance, Cross Country/Road Racing

Ballarat YCW Harriers Athletic Club

Ballarat YCW was founded in 1946, and offers athletic competition for everybody. Whether you want to compete with your family, or at a social or elite level, Ballarat YCW has a friendly atmosphere with competitions for everyone. We cater for athletes from Under 6 to 40+.


Club President: Ashley Rogers
Email: secretary@ballaratycw.com.au
Phone: 0400 491 957

Club Secretary: Marita Rieniets
Email: secretary@ballaratycw.com.au
Phone: 0409 021 809

Website: www.ballaratycw.com.au

Club Location

Llanberris Reserve York St
Golden Point VIC 3350

Coaching Disciplines

Vertical Jumps, Horizontal Jumps, Throws, Walks, Middle Distance/Distance, Cross Country/Road Racing