Our Victorian Officials Function for the 2020 – 2021 season was our second ever virtual gathering and was celebrated on Sunday 4 July with the theme being “Christmas in July”. Great time had by all those that joined in and participated in the Trivia sections, and it was wonderful to see Officials dressed in their favorite Christmas gear.
During the function, our service badges were awarded to recognize the efforts of our Officials. Congratulations to the following on outstanding years of Officiating
5 Years – Nicole Johansen, Lance Kamau
10 Years & AA Bronze – Stuart Merrick, Susan Taylor
15 Years – Michael Brazel, Sarah Davis, Christine Dell, Andrew Duncan, Andrea Hallett, Fiona Werner, Bob Hallett
20 Years & AA Silver – Marita Rieniets, Andrew Stirling
25 Years – Craig Mahony
30 Years & AA Gold – Lorraine Sawyer
35 Years – Jim Cain, Gordon Loughnan
45 Years – Di Lowden, Marg Nunn, Tony Williams
50 Years – Paul Jenes, Lorraine Morgan
An important part of this event is to announce and present our awards for the past season. Each Region / Zone submits through nominations for the outstanding Officials from their area and a sub-Committee selects the worthy winners.
Congratulations to the winners from the following Zones / Regions:

Red Zone: Jessica Newton

Blue Zone: Lindsay Beaton

Yellow Zone: Adrian Jeffkins

White Zone: Scott Bowden

Bendigo Region: Peter Hayes

Geelong Region: Joanne Lambert

Ballarat Region: Michelle Hawkes
The highlight of the function was the major awards of Official of the Year and Rising Star award.
The Official of the Year is awarded to an Official who has made an outstanding contribution in Athletics officiating over the past season. The award is only given to Officials who have dedicated significant time and effort and is the Victorian Officials Committee’s way of recognizing this.

The Official of the Year was awarded to Peter Westwood
The Rising Star award is presented to an Official who, in the Victorian Officials selection Committee’s opinion, has made an outstanding contribution to the sport in their early years of officiating.

The Rising Star award was presented to David Hansford
Congratulations to all our award winners, very truly deserved.