Coinciding with National Volunteer Week, Athletics Victoria’s Victorian Officials Function for the 2023 – 2024 season was conducted on Sunday 19 May. It certainly was a great day, and an opportunity to say thank you to our hard-working, dedicated Officials for the vital role they play each and every day, for making our sport stronger and for their ongoing assistance to Athletics Victoria.
During the function, our service badges were awarded to recognise the efforts of our Officials. Congratulations to the following on outstanding years of Officiating.
5 Years – Anna Devonish, Scott Lovell
10 Years & AA Bronze – Christine Christie
15 Years – Mark Cauchi, Michael Lindstrom, Stu Cooper, Tony Dell, Tony Leonard
20 Years & AA Silver – Allan Watson, Craig Spencer, Joanne Lambert, Kathleen Marsh, Peter Westwood, Phil Allen
25 Years – Anula Costa
30 Years & AA Gold – Cheryl Duff
35 Years – Ian Fisher, Jill Wallis
45 Years – Pam Noden, Ronda Jenkins
50 Years – Brendan Ferrari
Award Winners
An integral part of this event is to announce and present our awards for the past season.
Zones / Regions submitted their nominations for the outstanding Officials from their area, and a Sub-Committee selected the worthy winners.
Congratulations to the winners from the following Zones / Regions:

XCR Award
The On XCR Season Official Award recognises an Official for their contribution to the Cross-Country Season.
The winner of this award was one that contributed to the entire Cross-Country Season, always arriving with a smile and with a willingness to pitch in and assist wherever required. Through rain, hail and sunshine they always gave their best.
The winner of the XCR Season Award was Maureen Austin.

Official of the Year
The highlight of the function was the major awards of Official of the Year and Rising Star award.
The Official of the Year is awarded to an Official who has made an outstanding contribution in Athletics officiating over the past season. The award is only given to Officials who have dedicated significant time and effort and is the Victorian Officials Committee’s way of recognising this.
The Official of the Year was awarded to Stephen McLennan.

Rising Star
The Rising Star award is presented to an Official who, in the Victorian Officials selection Committee’s opinion, has made an outstanding contribution to the sport in their early years of officiating.
The Rising Star award was presented to Samuel Graham.

Congratulations to all our award winners – very truly deserved.
To learn more about officiating with Athletics Victoria, head here.